• 尊龙凯时-人生就是搏

    Flexible performance appraisal process

    The performance management process covers goal setting, goal confirmation, assessment, rating, review and feedback. Different departments/positions/employees feature different performance appraisal processes and all those processes are closely related to various business management requirements.

    Gather 360 feedback from a variety of sources such as managers, peers, direct reports, HRBP and employees themselves. Grading weight, anonymous evalsuation, grading, approval, rejection and result adjustment are tailor made for your company’s needs.

    In quantitative appraisals, scores will be calculated automatically, and target types can be customized, involving value-based scoring and pluses and minuses.

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    Analysis of performance data

    General data analysis reports are available to present performance distribution, average rating of each department, year-to-year comparison analysis and performance process status, etc.

    Data screening is conducted based on various dimensions to present clear report data and details

    Presentation, downloading and export of different charts format are enabled for fast data collection

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    Integrated system featuring performance, payroll and personnel management

    With integration to CDP’s payroll module, the performance results can be directly applicated to salary calculation for efficient handling

    The main data of personnel is integrated to enable one-stop consultation/export of employee’s performance information

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    Portable performance management

    Performance management is available on App Store so that performance related matters can be handled by employees and managers via their phones anytime and anywhere

    Target setting and review, rating by role, result review and confirmation are also available on the App.

    Integrated with various tools such as WeCom, DingTalk and Larks

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    Why CDP?

    Integrated management of personnel management, payroll and performance, one-stop management of whole HR business processes

    Flexible process configuration to provide your company with simple and efficient user experience

    We see beyond performance appraisal, and focus on performance improvement

    Best practice sharing, professional services offered by senior consultants, continuous and rapid updates and iterations

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