CDP Group is HCM SaaS+ platform leader in China providing the most comprehensive scenario-based offering,founded in 2004, our HCM SaaS+ business model and strong industry adaptability have enabled us to build a diverse and high-quality customer base with recurring revenue. We had over 1000 Customers spanning across 45 key industry verticals such as healthcare, technology and retail. We pioneered the next generation HCM SaaS+ business model in China, fully integrating our cloud-based value-added services. Our employee-centric WorkLife application, built for future work-and-life style, offers one-stop access to a full spectrum of HCM services including payroll, benefits, talent acquisition, talent development and workforce management. We established our global HCM business in 2017 to tap into the overseas HCM market, and we are the No. 1 HCM SaaS+ service provider in China in terms of revenue generated from HCM SaaS+ services provided to Chinese companies’ overseas business. We owned five registered patents and over 200 software copyrights. 2024-2025 Great Place to Work Certified ™ Certified enterprise.


